Literacy and Numeracy Intervention
Warracknabeal Secondary College is committed to ensuring every student achieves success in their learning. Sometimes students can encounter difficulties in literacy and numeracy that can impact on their entire learning experience and future opportunities. We have appointed Learning Specialists - Hayley Weir (Literacy) and Matthew Friedlieb (Numeracy) - who lead their respective PLC teams to improve the literacy and numeracy skills of all students. An Inclusion and Diversity Leader - Shaune Winsall - will also play an important role in identifying and assisting students with additional needs.
Year 8-9 English
Based on student achievement data, composite classes are created each year to better target the point of need of our Year 8 and 9 students. Teachers differntiate the work in an effort to cater for all student abilities.
Year 9 and 10 Tutoring
Students who are identified are requiring additional assistance are enrolled in Tutoring classes at Year 9 and Year 10. Trained Education Support staff, supported by teachers, work with students to improve their reading, writing, comprehension, numeracy and general confidence in learning.
Education Support
The school has a number of Education Support Staff who offer in-class support to students and teachers.
Students in Years 8 and 9 participate in the Maths Pathways online program. This is self-paced program that targets both strengths and areas for improvement.