Middle School Curriculum
Middle School Curriculum - Years 7-10
At Warracknabeal Secondary College, we aim to individualise learning pathways for each and every student. We are committed to focusing on the whole child during their time here at Warracknabeal Secondary College, with their social and emotional wellbeing just as important as their academic progress.
We encourage a positive learning culture within each of our classrooms, with the aim of supporting students and allowing their skills and talents to flourish. As part of this, Warracknabeal Secondary College offers extra support for students through differentiation, tutoring program and ability groupings in English.
Year 9 and 10 students participate in an elective program that provides choice and an opportunity for student to pursue their strengths and learning areas of most interest or value to them as they prepare for for senior school pathways.
Transition Booklet
English at Warracknabeal Secondary College focuses on consolidating skills and concepts taught in primary school, through to the skills and knowledge required to complete VCE/VM English. A strong emphasis is placed on the receptive (listening, reading, and viewing) and productive modes (speaking, writing, and creating) across the three Victorian Curriculum English strands of learning: Language, Literature, and Literacy.
Students will study a variety of text forms; novels, poetry, film and image analysis, plays, fiction and non-fiction, as well as participate in analytical discussion and writing, to develop a well-rounded and enriched appreciation of English.
Mathematics at Warracknabeal Secondary College will focus on the development of mathematical skills appropriate to the learning needs of each student, with emphasis on student growth. Students will focus on the core areas of Mathematics, including Number and Algebra, Space and Measurement, Probability, and Statistics, through on-line and classroom learning.
Science at Warracknabeal Secondary College aims to provide a transition from primary school science into secondary school science, which will provide students with skills to pursue Year 10 and VCE Science subjects. Science is an interactive and practical subject, with opportunities for students to engage in scientific projects, discussions, constructing scientific models and engaging in laboratory experiments. Science focuses on exploring the four sciences of Physical Science, Chemical Science, Biological Science, and Earth and Space Science.
From investigating the Ancient World and Societies, the Medieval Period, and the Making of the Modern World, Humanities at Warracknabeal Secondary College aims to assist students to develop an understanding of the beginnings of civilization and its progression to today. Students will further their knowledge of society and the environment by exploring Economics and Business with the Humanities subject area, Geography and the environment, as well as Civics and Citizenship with our Australian democratic society.
In Year 7, Humanities is incorporated and taught alongside English. Students will study texts in English that reflect either significant historical time periods (such as Ancient Greece), or link in with Environmental or Geographic issues (such as water scarcity or endangered species).
Health and Physical Education at Warracknabeal Secondary College aims to address the social, emotional, physical and mental development of students. It provides opportunities for students to learn about and practice ways of adopting and maintaining a healthy, respectful, productive and active life. It also provides the students with the opportunity to learn through movement experiences that are both challenging and enjoyable. This subject strives to improve students’ capacity to move with skill and confidence in a variety of sports and activities that may be transferred into many activities and sports in the wider community.
At Warracknabeal Secondary College, Art encompasses four subjects that students undertake as a semester-long study. These subjects are Visual Art, Visual Communication and Design and Music. In Visual Art, expand their enjoyment, understanding, and use of arts language to develop critical thinking and creative skills. Students will develop their understanding and application of art elements and principles, coupled with developing and refining their artistic abilities.
At Warracknabeal Secondary College, students are introduced to a range of musical instruments. Music is offered a semester subject at middle school, and students also have the opportunity to enhance their talents by being withdrawn from classes for small group instrumental lessons.
At Warracknabeal Secondary College, Technologies encompasses four subjects that students undertake as a semester-long study. These subjects are Textiles, Food Technology, Digital Technology, Metal, Woodwork, and Automotive.
Textiles at Warracknabeal Secondary College is predominantly a practical subject in which students learn the skills of hand sewing, applique, embroidery, and machine sewing. Develop skills for Year 10 and VCE Textiles. Home Economics is a practical subject that focuses on skills in food preparation. Students are introduced to hygiene and safe food handling practices, as well as kitchen safety. The students will use the technology process to design, make and evaluate the food production process and food products prepared.
In Digital Technologies, students are actively engaged in the processes of analysing problems and opportunities, designing, developing and evaluating digital solutions, and creating and sharing information that meets a range of current and future needs. Students learn to safely and ethically exploit the capacity of information systems to create digital solutions. These solutions and information are created through the application of computational, design and systems thinking, and technical skills.
In Woodwork, students construct a variety of projects using a range of wood materials. Students will be introduced to and use a wide variety of hand and electric tools, learn about the different functions of tools and how to select the correct tool for a particular purpose. Students will investigate materials that will be used for their projects, as well as use the technology process to design, make and evaluate the projects they create. At Warracknabeal Secondary College, students who study Automotive learn about engine systems, such as fuel, cooling, lubrication, exhaust; as well vehicle systems, such as steering and brakes.
Over many years, the College has offered Japanese. Japanese is currently taught in the Middle School Program. Our Japanese program builds on students knowledge of other cultures. Learning a language broadens students horizons about personal, social, cultural and employment opportunities.
In an increasingly interconnected and interdependent world, many countries and communities require people to communicate and express themselves across languages and cultures. Being bilingual is normal in many cultures. Studying a language promotes respect for diversity and openness for different experiences and perspectives.